Our donation levels are designed to offset the average footprint and that of the frequent traveller.
Our donation levels are designed to offset the average footprint and that of the frequent traveller.
We created Climate Wise to make a difference. Yes, we can all raise awareness and implement personal lifestyle changes, but we cannot offset ourselves entirely. By coming together we can make meaningful and permanent change happen as a mass of individuals and businesses. Climate Wise provides you the chance to be part of this community.
With our implementing partner we guarantee that 90% of all net donations received go directly into the climate projects. The remaining 10% is spent on selecting the projects, managing the projects, overseeing and monitoring their success and operating our team of climate changers who work to make sure your money makes the most difference possible.
It is surprising, but when donations are added together they make a significant difference. In most western countries the average person produces between 5 and 10 tonnes of carbon each year, with the global average being 4.8 tonnes (source:https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions). Most projects offset at a rate of between $7 and $15 per tonne. This means that… Continue reading HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR SO LITTLE MONEY?
© 2025 Climate Wise. Designed And Developed By Ogrelogic.