How Will Climate Change Impact Insect Populations?

Climate change and insects Climate change is impacting the natural world and the species encompassed within it in many ways. All species will be impacted by climate change, some greater than others. We have already witnessed the effects of anthropogenic-induced climate change as habitat loss has driven species to extinction. When thinking of species impacted… Continue reading How Will Climate Change Impact Insect Populations?

Permaculture and Climate Change Adaption

Climate change adaption Efforts by concerned citizens and self-organised groups to undertake meaningful action to combat climate change in the context of their everyday lives are continuously increasing. Many have taken personal responsibility to make a difference to the planet. This quiet but vital growth in climate action contrasts with the lack of political consciousness… Continue reading Permaculture and Climate Change Adaption

Why is COP26 so important?

What is COP26? COP26, taking place at the end of this year, is the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The heads of state of countries that signed the UNFCCC will attend the summit, alongside various climate change experts and campaigners. The conference… Continue reading Why is COP26 so important?

Carbon Footprinting with Climate Wise

What is a carbon footprint? The term ‘carbon footprint’ is used a lot, however, do you know what it actually means? A carbon footprint can be described as the amount of carbon dioxide a particular individual, organisation, or community releases into the atmosphere due to their activities. While the definition effectively explains what it is,… Continue reading Carbon Footprinting with Climate Wise

Staying Positive in a Climate Crisis

Staying positive can be difficult, especially when we are overwhelmed with news stories every day on the devasting state of the planet. However, there are many reasons to be hopeful and stay positive. We have shortlisted our top reasons for staying positive and not giving up during the current climate crisis.   Climate action is… Continue reading Staying Positive in a Climate Crisis

Why you should act this Stop Food Waste Day

What is the food waste crisis? As Stop Food Waste Day is at the end of this month (28th April 2021), we decided to provide an insight into the food waste crisis and why this day is crucial in raising awareness. Humans have impacted the climate and environment more than any other species. Food waste… Continue reading Why you should act this Stop Food Waste Day

The Bermuda Seagrass Project and Blue Carbon

What are blue carbon ecosystems? Seagrasses are located along the shore of every continent except Antarctica. They are submerged flowering plants with deep roots. Seagrass ecosystems can sequester significant amounts of carbon and store it as organic carbon in sediment for long periods, making them one of the most significant natural carbon sinks globally. Blue… Continue reading The Bermuda Seagrass Project and Blue Carbon

Carbon Offsetting is… protecting our planet

Our mission is clear – to crowdfund for the planet and protect the world we live in for future generations. But do you know what carbon offsetting is and how we utilise it to support global projects? To help you understand more about what we do here at Climate Wise, we’ve answered a few of… Continue reading Carbon Offsetting is… protecting our planet

Five natural wonders of the world threatened by climate change and how you can save them

As wanderers of the world, we love exploring our beautiful planet and learning more about the most extraordinary places on earth. But if we don’t take action now to reduce our carbon footprint, many of these sites of beauty could soon become a distant memory. A report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature… Continue reading Five natural wonders of the world threatened by climate change and how you can save them

How climate change affects us all

From melting ice caps to raging wildfires, we’re all accustomed to hearing about the devastating effect climate change is having on our planet. But if you don’t live in an area that’s been directly impacted by any of these disasters, it would be easy to think that climate change doesn’t affect you at all. In… Continue reading How climate change affects us all

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