How to become a climate champion

Five ways you can become a climate champion Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the global climate. You may think as an individual your daily impact couldn’t possibly cause any significant damage to the environment. But collectively, we are all contributing to climate change each day. There are many things you… Continue reading How to become a climate champion

How we can drive positive change by uniting together.

The Japanese poet, Ryunosuke Satoro, once wrote: “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Household activities account for about two-thirds of the heat-trapping gases that are released globally, and the average family in the UK emits 45.80 tons of carbon emissions every year. While each member of that household might not be… Continue reading How we can drive positive change by uniting together.

How is climate change affecting the big blue?

The world’s oceans form 71% of the planet, serving as the world’s largest habitat and regulator of the global climate. For decades society has assumed it is too large to fail and that it can continue to absorb the rising levels of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The current threat of climate change means our… Continue reading How is climate change affecting the big blue?

How to reduce plastic waste at home

A staggering eight million tonnes of plastic finds its way into our planet’s oceans. This has a wide range of dangerous implications, including killing and maiming animals and marine life that eat or become ensnared in plastic waste. Most plastics aren’t biodegradable and can take hundreds or even thousands of years to break down. When… Continue reading How to reduce plastic waste at home

Hello from Climate Wise

Welcome to the inaugural newsletter from Climate Wise. In these uncertain times, challenged as we are by COVID-19, the fact remains that the largest threat to our planet is the rising global temperature cause by changes in our atmosphere. Climate Wise gives you, the ability to offset your footprint and make a positive difference to… Continue reading Hello from Climate Wise

Education and Climate Change

The importance of education in tackling the climate emergency At Climate Wise, we recognise that tackling the climate emergency is a global challenge and one that every element of society must engage with. Ultimately, this is not something that we can just leave to government or scientists, we must all play our part. Education must… Continue reading Education and Climate Change

Opinion piece by Stephen Castree – July 2020

What can I do? Climate Change is daunting. We hear phrases like global warming and see some places getting cooler, we hear about greenhouse gases and aren’t really sure how it works, we hear about the Paris Accord and the United Nations work on television, but can’t quite put it together. We do know that… Continue reading Opinion piece by Stephen Castree – July 2020

What does climate change mean for us?

Our world is changing rapidly. Every year we are witnessing ever more changes close to home including devastating natural disasters and the loss of habitats. Since the 1800s, scientists have identified humans as the main cause of the alarming rate at which global warming is increasing. Decades of burning fossil fuels have released large amounts… Continue reading What does climate change mean for us?

Opinion piece by Stephen Castree

An Eco-friendly recovery As we start to look at what our world looks like following around four months of inactivity, many have commented on the improved situation in the air around major cities. It is true, with less travel, so we are seeing less pollution at ground level. We saw the same impact post the… Continue reading Opinion piece by Stephen Castree

Covid-19 and the climate emergency

Has the recent Covid-19 lockdown impacted the climate emergency for the greater good?  As the Coronavirus pandemic became a fast-evolving crisis, we were told to retreat to our homes as life as we knew it ground to a standstill. Less people were commuting to work, traffic on the roads ceased and aeroplanes were grounded. But… Continue reading Covid-19 and the climate emergency

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