Living on the edge: the irreversible climate tipping points less than 1°C away

The Earth’s temperature is increasing by approximately 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade. We have experienced the warmest seven years since 2015, with an 11% chance that 2022 will rank among the top five. If our current rates of warming continue, a new analysis reports that we risk crossing six “dangerous” climate tipping points. Many… Continue reading Living on the edge: the irreversible climate tipping points less than 1°C away

World Car Free Day: Removing the Largest Contributor to Climate Change

World Car Free Day takes place on the September 22nd, it is an opportunity for people globally to experience a world without cars in villages, towns, and cities. Removing cars from our roads has numerous benefits and transitions our economies away from polluting fossil fuels. The primary aim of World Car Free Day is to… Continue reading World Car Free Day: Removing the Largest Contributor to Climate Change

Organic Farming Helping to Mitigate Climate Change

Organic farming means more than avoiding pesticides and GMOs, organic can help mitigate climate change alongside helping farms to adapt to climate change. Global greenhouse emissions from crop and livestock agriculture have risen by 14% since 2001 to 5.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Organic farming can reduce the emissions released during agriculture, helping… Continue reading Organic Farming Helping to Mitigate Climate Change

Extreme heatwaves this summer are more than a wake-up call

Record-breaking summers Over the last 20 years, we have witnessed record-breaking summers, but this summer is demonstrating more than ever that we are in a climate emergency. For the first time in recorded history, the UK was given a red extreme heat warning as temperatures in some parts of the country exceeded 40°C, with the… Continue reading Extreme heatwaves this summer are more than a wake-up call

Managing climate change anxiety

Recent headlines, reports, and images can be overwhelming and cause you to become increasingly anxious about the current and future state of the planet – this is a perfectly normal response, we are dealing with a global climate emergency. You are right to feel concerned, and it is this concern that drives action. However, climate… Continue reading Managing climate change anxiety

Welcome to the Climate Wise App!

We are beyond excited that our first app has officially launched! We want our donors to get the most out of their climate-positive journey with us. In this short blog, we’ll explain how the app helps you to become Climate Wise. If you are offsetting your carbon footprint with us, use the email address you… Continue reading Welcome to the Climate Wise App!

One swap a day for Plastic Free July!

This Plastic Free July we’re sharing 31 plastic-free swaps that you can get involved in, that’s one for every day of the month. See how many you can do and let us know how you get on! Approximately 40 billion plasticbottles are used globally each month. Bring your own water bottle and reduce your plastic footprint.… Continue reading One swap a day for Plastic Free July!

Lifecycle of plastics

The mark plastic is leaving on the planet is becoming clearer and clearer – we see it almost everywhere. Images across social media displaying the impact of plastic leave us with the reality that plastic is the least environmentally safe material. Many campaigns are raising awareness of the plastic crisis and the detrimental effects of… Continue reading Lifecycle of plastics

Earth Overshoot Day: Power of Possibility

Earth Overshoot Day signifies the day in the year when humanity’s demand for ecological services and resources exceeds what the Earth can generate in that year. This deficit is maintained as we continue to release vast volumes of carbon into the atmosphere and exploit the Earth’s resources. Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by assessing the… Continue reading Earth Overshoot Day: Power of Possibility

Why biodiversity matters when addressing climate change

Biodiversity loss and climate change are the most critical global threats facing humans. Coordinated climate action is fundamental to avoiding detrimental impacts on the environment and the numerous services and benefits within it that we rely on. There are many interconnections between climate change and biodiversity, demanding that we consider the importance of biodiversity in… Continue reading Why biodiversity matters when addressing climate change

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